【青年教师学术沙龙】第三期:ROLEX: A Scalable RDMA-oriented Learned Key-Value Store for Disaggregated Memory Systems



摘要】:This paper proposes a scalable RDMA-oriented KV store with learned indexes, called ROLEX, to coalesce the ordered KV store in the disaggregated systems for efficient data storage and retrieval. ROLEX leverages a retraining-decoupled learned index scheme to dissociate the model retraining from data modification operations via adding a bias and some data-movement constraints to learned models. Based on the operation decoupling, data modifications are directly executed in compute nodes via one-sided RDMA verbs with high scalability. The model retraining is hence removed from the critical path of data modification and asynchronously executed in memory nodes by using dedicated computing resources. Experimental results on YCSB and real-world workloads demonstrate that ROLEX achieves competitive performance on the static workloads, as well as significantly improving the performance on dynamic workloads by up to 2.2 times than state-of-the-art schemes on the disaggregated memory systems. 

【时间地点】:2024年42  14:00   位育楼417